Monday, April 25, 2011

We are not Body Nor Mind - We are Pure Spirit - We are One

As I journeyed to the Lower World, Bear lovingly attacked me and lopped off my head (which was a good thing - I think too much!) and proceeded to eat me. Owl tore my insides with talons and beak...

A shamanic dismemberment is an honor and should not be taken as a frightening experience. On the contrary, it is a blessing and an act of Divine Love from the Spirits, for they wish to take you out of your form to experience the Oneness that you have forgotten since you have incarnated. Like a great siv, a shamanic dismemberment returns you to wholeness and Light as it removes the energy that is not serving your Highest Good at the time. If one has never experienced this before during a journey, it is the mark of a shamanic initiation.

I seeped into the Earth as blood and found Turtle, who asked me to climb on her back. We went into the sea. As a sea turtle, I was then swallowed by an orange starfish and then spit out. Then I traveled with Turtle more. She crept up on the shore and laid eggs. I was a baby turtle in one of the eggs. I hatched with my siblings and crawled out of the nest to the sea. A pelican ate me. I became H2O and then fed oxygen to Turtle through her skin. She came up and breathed and then I was CO2 and fed a tree. 

Next, I was in the middle of a teepee. I was the smoke from the fire rising to the top. Then, I was the buffalo that was hunted that became the hide of the teepee. Quickly I was smoke again and left out of the open top of the teepee into the sky.

I then saw an eye of an elephant as she ate a leaf. I saw her baby nursing and saw that the energy of the leaf fed the baby with milk. I followed the elephants traveling trunk to tail. I turned to water as they drank it through their trunk and as I washed them in a bath. I became a leaf again, and a lime green caterpillar ate me. I turned into a cocoon and became a Luna moth. As I came back to my body, I was a butterfly with black trim, but kept changing from electric blue to green, flashing between the two colors.

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