Monday, April 25, 2011

Talking Turkey

Awoken by a gobbling this morning outside my bedroom window, I skillfully peaked out the shade to find a large Tom Turkey which seemed to be serenading me at 5:30am. He noticed me, to my chagrin, but surprisingly kept bellowing his love call.  A bit of a naturalist, I do know that in late April most hens have found their mates, and in fact may be laying eggs at this point. Poor Tom. Or is he?

He seemed to be quoting a soliloquy that began, "It is the east and Juliet is the sun." He fluffed all his feathers, his beard pronounced and even kicked out his leg as he called with all his lung power. Still I knew he was young and smaller than some turkeys I have had the chance to see. Hens most likely sensed his youth and need for growth to come into his own. But he is still searching, asserting his will.

Timing is always everything. The Universe is perfect in creating a dance of when things happen and when things do not happen. It is our choice to fight against the flow or go with it. When we fight Divine Perfection, we may find more things will go against what is meant to be. So, it is just better to surrender and let go. It is such a feeling of freedom knowing that you do not have to worry so much, that whatever gives you joy in the moment is what is meant to be in that moment. The future lies in that moment - not in worrying about it. The future is a seed of the events of the moment. So, water the present moment. Events will roll out of be-ing and expressing what is within you in the moment.

In Native cultures, a turkey represents the give-away. As a tribal member, a person who gives away the most to the community is one of the most respected. Turkey medicine comes out of the realization that all Life is sacred, as the Great Spirit resides within all. We can learn much from turkey.

My morning visitor, Tom Turkey, most likely has another good year to round himself out and work on that gobble. Not that it's not striking and not that he doesn't feel passionately and innately drawn to breed. So, when the Universe wills it, he will find what he is searching for. But it doesn't hurt to keep moving towards it, as long as it's with the flow.

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