Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bidding Shadow and Resistance

I. The Bidding

It is time again
wail your way if you must
step, step back
to that dreaded side

Familiar and feared
Tainted like a Halloween moon
with unanswered echoes - 
and flashes from your past
that you dare not utter
Whispering passes your ear
in disguised tones

Follow Me
to that trunk of tattered and musty remnants -
They delight in throwing apparitions
Into your sweating dreams.

II. The Resistance

I command you to release me
from my mind's eye
All fragments of you
For you are only my Shadow
You serve a purpose
But I will not feed you

I will resist, bathing in the release
From the prison of your pelt
and the jail of your Judgment

I sundance in this second's solace
Like a sparked engine revving
My mind races away
to a beautiful, distant nothingness

Glipse after glipse,
a labyrinth of
Captured colors and popping bubbles
appear at the touch of this moment

I am nothing but this moment
Which is Everything and Bliss

I am a curled chrysalis~
When radiant wings emerge
Will dry like powerful new arms

Remembering trickling dimensions
like a magnet, I am
Pulled back to my Freedom

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