Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Am I Bound for that Show Mystery Diagnosis?

After seeing my "second opinion" neurologist, having 3 MRI's including the latest brain MRI as well as a couple of rather painful nerve conduction studies called SSEPs, the neurologist is now sending me down to Brigham and Women's Multiple Sclerosis Center in Boston. He also wants me to keep the appointment that was made a few months ago with a neurologist at Mass General who specializes in ataxia (gait disturbance).

In all, after the exams, tests, etc. this neurologist at PenBay Hosp in Maine is not "sure" whether I have MS or not... no lesions in the brain and that is what he goes by. He is at this point refusing to do a lumbar puncture, or spinal tap, which is when the spinal fluid is extracted and studied.

My neurologist also ordered blood tests for mysthenia gravis, which is another autoimmune disease.
So, I will go to Mass General (AGAIN) and see what those docs think. If they want this guy to do the LP (lumbar puncture) then that will be the final rule-out for MS. The reason this neurologist was being cautious is because there are times when CSF (cerebral spinal fluid) comes back abnormal without being MS. But at the same time, I know two people (one of my  friends and my cousin) whose brain MRIs showed no lesions. My cousin's MS showed in her eyes and my friend's was not found until they did an LP. Multiple sclerosis can be very difficult to diagnose.

If this is not MS, fine. But this is going on a year now, and I know I deserve some answers and treatment. I know I will not have my life back as it was, or course, perceptions and my life as I move forward has been changed forever, and that is good. I just wish for the limbo to end so I may move on.

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